
Encompass a project from the simplest ideas through to concept development, technical specifications and final production, packing and shipping. From a singular model or entire mass-production, it's a one-stop process.

Meticulous attention to detail, creative mindset and quality of work go into every project. From simple models to intricate fully detailed models, they play an invaluable role in the whole presentation.

  • Scale models as 'as-build', concepts and prototypes
  • Scientific, educational, architectural and technical scale models
  • Static & dynamic scale models
  • Full hull, waterline, cut-through and open worked interior detailed scale models
  • One-offs, multi units, productions of limited series, to mass productions
  • Gift items, premiums and accessories
  • Displays, show-cases, cabinets, and full (custom made, integrated) presentation solutions
  • Packing- and transport solutions and materials, supplies and accessories
  • Storage and global logistics of scale models
  • Repair, maintenance, modification, overhauling and retro-fit of scale models
  • Lease and rental    
  • Financing and insurance

Contact us  View scale models

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